Darjeeling, Himalayan Blend

  • $20.00
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Darjeeling is frequently referred to as "the Champagne of tea".  It is grown in the Himalayan foothills in the northern part of the Indian state of West Bengal also referred to as the Darjeeling region.  The tea is known for it's spicy and fruity notes specifically a sweetness reminiscent of the Muscat family of grape, Muscatel.  This delicate yet assertive bronze colored tea is unique and must try for the beginner to experienced tea drinker.


Brisk, Lightly Vegetal, Muscatel 


Tea Tips

Brew with a water temperature of 190-200°F (88-93°C) for 3 minutes

We recommend a steep time of no more than two minutes for the perfect cup, as Darjeeling has the tendency to become sour when over-steeped!